The grass is greener on the other side
The lady at my favourite chee cheong fun stall (that's rice flour rolls for the uninitiated) told me today how lucky I was to have a 9 to 5 job and not have to 'worry about the business.' She says that she and her husband wakes up at 3am every morning to prepare their food so that they can start selling at the market by 6am - they can't do this any earlier or the food would not be fresh.While I would dispute her claim that employed folks 'don't worry about our business' I can only say that this is the usual story of the grass being greener on the other side. How strange we humans are. Small business owners especially those that have known no other vocation, will think that working a routine 9 to 5 job would be a welcome change for them, while those who are salarymen hanker for the day they can run their own business and call their own shots.
All I can say is that we need to embrace and do our best in our chosen vocation and if we can't continue for whatever reason, then make a clean exit and move on. Challenges are everywhere even when you're selling chee cheong fun.
Technorati: self-employment; entrepreneurs; smes