Saturday, June 10, 2006

World Cup: South American economies set to lose half a billion US$ in productivity

South American economies are set to lose half a billion US$ in productivity during the World Cup season says UK-based Centre for Economics & Business Research (CEBR).

Unfortunately for football crazy Latins, the matches will be played during working hours, while over here bleary-eyed employees will struggle to keep awake during the daytime.

When things were the other way around 4 years ago in Japan/South Korea, CEBR
estimates that Europe suffered a staggering €8.7bn loss of GDP through absenteeism!

Here, civil servants in Kuantan have been warned not to let their productivity be affected because of too many late nights. Yeah right. If employers or the government are so affected by this, they might like to take Kam Raslam's advice in his Talking Edge piece this week - hire an all female workforce.

technorati tags: World Cup, productivity, business

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