Thursday, June 08, 2006

Singapore launches "Identity Card" No. for Businesses

Our progressive southern neighbour has announced plans to launch a "Unique Establishment Identifier" (UEI) for all establishments. This Computerworld Singapore report states that currently, the more commonly used identifiers are the numbers issued by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority to registered companies and businesses, the ROS number issued by Registry of Societies to registered societies, the Central Registration (CR) number issued by the Department of Statistics to various categories of establishments as required for survey or statistical purposes, and the CPF employer number issued by the Central Provident Fund Board to all employers.

(From memory alone, Malaysian establishments require SSM (ROC) numbers, LHDN (IRS) numbers, EPF numbers and SOCSO numbers.I wonder when some rent-seeker will successfully lobby our government to embark on a UEI system too.)

With the UEI, I'm sure conspiracy theorists will say that Big Brother will now have an easier time making sure Singapore businesses pay their dues. From my angle, I feel it will be even easier to do business in a country where efficiency is already a trademark.

Contrast this with Malaysiah where a World Bank report says it takes an average 225 days to set up a business.

Oh, and yes, Singaporeans have a single Passport & IC number. Rumour has it that we will soon have to change our Mykad again because the current numbering system doesn't comply with international passport standards? Can anyone confirm this? If it's true, then Iris Corp can look forward to another few years of easy money.

Technorati tags: singapore, malaysia, business

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