Tuesday, June 13, 2006

SMH: Mahathir's grand vision for Malaysia turns a little sour

Ooh - I couldn't resist posting this article from the Sydney Morning Herald about Dr. M. .... Ouch sounds painful...!

Here's an excerpt:

"One of the two great symbols of his rule - the Petronas Towers where Mahathir keeps his retirement office - was topped by Taipei's 101 Tower last year and has never enjoyed full occupancy anyway. Neither has the new airport. That other Mahathir symbol, the National Car Project that spawned the Proton, genuinely runs the risk of collapse."

Read on..


  1. one word.. hilarious! i think the humour stems from the irony of how true it is. I've recently read a book by Ye Lin Sheng on A Chinese Dilemma and found a different perspective on why the NEP was implemented - in summary, to promote racial harmony (think Indonesia). It's quite difficult to see which argument is stronger, as evident from your article's depiction of all the "big" projects.

  2. honestly, i am in favour of those projects. The writer for SMH (btw, which happened to be my favourite newspaper, both online or print) seems reasonably bias.

    The occupancy rate for Petronas twin tower is almost packed. If some of you didn't already know, one tower is occupied by petronas which not only has packed out that tower, it is shifting some of its operation to the second tower. The second tower though not as pack, it has occupancy rate which is quite reasonable and profitable.

    Secondly, the goodwill that has already been generated by the towers have more than pay them back. Amazing race even dropped by twice to the twin towers.

    sepang F1? ask around the service industry and see if you can find an empty hotel room during the F1 season. The amount of revenue it brings in from one weekend of the year is more than a justification for holding the race. Btw, all other countries who wished to get F1 on their soil (eg. India, Korea) also could not. Unless there are so many other fools like Malaysia, i doubt F1 is a bad thing. Ask the writer why australia still hosts F1.

    Bakun Dam capacity is now in question. Apparently the two planned smelters do not have enough electricity. The once critisized bakun dam seems to be too small already. how?

    the point is people always complain when things fail. But succesful things? anyone champion? Doing business, if you run 3 business, 2 survived 1 failed means you are doing well already :)

  3. Hi Shang

    Some quarters think the Chinese Dilemma book was written for UMNO apologists. In my view, I think the majority of Malaysians have accepted the NEP/NDP etc but many of us are peeved at the way it has been abused to serve the interests of a political party while at best paying lip service to those who need help most.


    Agree with you. As we know, if the facts aren't sensationalised a bit, there wouldn't be so many eyeballs going there right.. :)
