Saturday, June 17, 2006

Using Runners? JPJ wants you to deal with this company

This week's print edition of the Edge comments on the endorsement of a relatively unknown company, Konsortium Wawasan Klasik Sdn Bhd (KWK), to act as the go-between for all financial institutions and the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

Banks who up to now, have been used to paying a small fee for independent runners to deal with the notoriously bureaucratic JPJ, now face having to work with a potentially monopolistic KWK who may charge higher fees for a more 'professional' service. This, says the Edge will crowd out the famously entrepreneurial runners who have carved out a business niche by taking the headaches out of dealing with a lumbering government organisation.

The current laissez-faire system isn't perfect but it works, and the Edge asks why fix something when it ain't broke?

Most of the runners I know are bumiputra. If the government's agenda is to assist bumis, I struggle to understand how these kinds of 'arrangements' will benefit the majority who need help most.

Technorati tags: malaysia, bumiputra, entrepreneur

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