Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Entrepreneurship - it's literally in your BLOOD!

This study reveals that being entrepreneurial or having the propensity to be self-employed, may actually lie in the person's genes.

By comparing self-employment in 609 pairs of identical twins, who share all the same genes, and 657 pairs of non-identical twins, the researchers discovered that identical twins increased the odds of their twins following the same path more than non-identical twins, which suggests genes are important. Incidentally, the rate of entrepreneurs among twins is the same as in the general population which makes the findings directly relevant to the rest of us.

This might explain why if you come from a family of entrepreneurs, the likelihood is that you would either venture out on your own or inherit that family business (lucky sod).

Technorati tag: enterpreneurs, family business


  1. Hi Hew. Great find. Incidently, the provider of the information is St Thomas' hospital in London. It's a great Hospital with a big reputation.

  2. Can you imagine people asking for entrepreneur genes in the near future when specifying their test-tube babies... scary
