Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's Official - Working for Yourself DOES Make You Happier

Those of us who have always had the sneaking suspicion that owning our own business would make us happier, may now be proven correct by this study conducted by Durham University.

According to the report, people who run their own businesses have such flexibility and independence that they enjoy far greater job satisfaction. And, this is despite the fact that the self-employed tend to earn lower pay and work longer hours!

However, before you storm into your boss' office and slap him/her with a resignation letter, do bear in mind this was conducted in the UK with a sample size of 500 respondents. Things might be different here, though I'd bet it's probably the same situation.

Technorati tags: sme, business owner, malaysia, entrepreneur


  1. I think it is the flexibility that is really the key, although I do work longer hours. If it’s a nice day (as long as there are no immediate work commitments) I have the freedom to take a day off at a moments notice. That’s very useful if you live in the UK as the weather’s not great.

  2. that's an interesting insight. As an employee I find the flexibility of a business owner enticing but more often than not, most of them tell me that they don't have time to do even that!
