Monday, April 17, 2006

An Italian World Cup Win would have the most impact on the world economy

The Star today talks about the negative impact of watching World Cup football matches on the average Malaysian worker's productivity. Yet, there are economists who spend a lot of time analysing the positive impacts the World Cup can bring to the world economy.

This particular report from ABN AMRO, actually concludes that an Italian win would have the greatest benefit for the global economy. This is based on several reasons, mainly that the winner must be European as it is the laggard market - the logic is that if European domestic demand improves as a result of this win, then it will be a big boost to Asian exporters, who can now focus on another market besides the forever-in-current-account-deficit US.

But alas, the punters' favourites are Brazil,who being South American, would apparently not bring that much benefit to the global economy.

Technorati tags: soccer, World Cup, global economy, Brazil , Italy


  1. "the winner must be European as it is the laggard market - the logic is that if European domestic demand improves as a result of this win, then it will be a big boost to Asian exporters,"- I think that football has grown enough in Europe. The market is clearly in USA as most people are yet to love this sports. On the other hand, if an Asian team could win then it would create a huge internal market in Asia and create a lot of jobs.

  2. hi, i think it's not so much about the growth of football but rather the overall impact on the global economy. The folks at ABN AMRO have deduced that a European team and in particular Italy would have the greatest benefit.
