Monday, April 10, 2006

This village bans children

Interesting article about the village of Firhall in Scotland that officially bans children! Apparently it has been designed as a place for people who "feel that they have done their bit [of caring for children] and now want to be free of the problems that living among them can bring". The official website is quite interesting.

Places like these make the news in politically correct societies like the UK & US but for us Malaysians, who are regularly bombarded with job ads or accommodation classifieds that specify gender, race, religion and even marital status, it may look like a non-event.

Having said that, maybe some enterprising Malaysian could think of setting up a retirement community along similar lines.

1 comment:

  1. they should build a village just for teens with no adults and pesky siblings. wait, that sounds like a nightclub. hahaa.
