Thursday, April 20, 2006

Singapore looking to lease land from its neighbours for its old folk

If you have some land in Johor and you're not doing anything with it, you could think of leasing it to the Singapore Government which is apparently looking for land to build retirement villages.

Land on the tiny island is expensive and scarce, prompting the Health Minister to announce that "the Government had shortlisted a few potential sites" for this purpose.

From my point of view, Johor, Batam & Bintan would be good locations to start with although I'd dare say that with the recent trouble over the bridge, our southern neighbours would probably have more luck with the two Indon islands.

Having said that, I also think our smes have not really geared up to address the growing number of healthy, older people in our society who will enjoy a whole range of services that could be designed for them - holidays, entertainment, healthcare, investment products, and yes, even retirement villages.

Technorati tags: retirement village, Singapore, Johor, Malaysia, Batam, Bintan, smes


  1. to them in sing dollars

  2. I'm sure Singapore's senior citizens are celebrating the fact that an economically viable solution has been found to the problem created by their very existence.

    You really don't see the soft issue behind that Channel News Asia report, eh?

  3. I'm sure Singapore's senior citizens are celebrating the fact that an economically viable solution has been found to the problem created by their very existence.

    You really don't see the soft issue behind that Channel News Asia report, eh?

  4. hmmm.. true... the sg government is well known for that. isn't it nice to know your country cares for you....
