Saturday, August 05, 2006

Singapore muzzles FEER & other International papers

The Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) has now been classified as an 'offshore paper' in Singapore which means its circulation will be capped at 10,000 copies.

The Ministry of Information, Communications & the Arts stated that "it is a privilege, and not a right, for foreign newspapers to circulate in Singapore. They do so as foreign observers of the local scene and should not interfere in the domestic politics of Singapore."

Evidently FEER had yet again pissed off Big Brother by carrying an interview with opposition party leader Chee Soon Juan and calling him Singapore's 'Martyr' (with apostrophes intact). In it Chee proposes that the ruling PAP party is so paranoid of any form of opposition to its absolute rule because of 'skeletons in the closet'. The writer also asks whether Singapore deserves its 'squeaky-clean government' reputation by rexamining the National Kidney Foundation scandal again.

Other papers affected by this reclassification include the International Herald Tribune, Financial Times, Newsweek and TIME magazines.

Our JB newsvendors should be doing a roaring trade soon with these limited circulation publications!

1 comment:

  1. So Malaysia is more freer. We do not have such classification.
