Friday, August 04, 2006

The Milky Way to excellent Customer Service

My recent experience with Malaysia Milk deserves a mention here.

My wife had recently bought a fresh carton of HL milk from a nearby 7-11 but when we poured it out, we found out it was rancid. A call to the 1-800 customer care line was courteously and efficiently handled and by the next day, a replacement carton of milk PLUS a bonus pack of orange juice was hand delivered to our house!

Talk about service recovery!

And as if that wasn't enough, I receiveda follow-up call from another representative yesterday explaining that they had followed up on our case and that they had discovered the refrigeration system at that particular 7-11 wasn't running at the recommended temperature. Remedial action has been taken she assured.

Great job Malaysia Milk! We need more companies like you in this country who understand the value of customer delight.

technorati tag: customer satisfaction, smes, Malaysia


  1. I'm finding it hard to believe that an actual company in MALAYSIA responded as efficiently as it did! So there IS hope then eh?
    Toodles, Aveena.

  2. Exactly right! I was pleasantly surprised at their response and they should rightly be acknowledged for doing such a great job!
