Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ramlyburger grows up

It's always nice to read about genuine SME success stories, especially those that have prospered without resorting to rent-seeking or patronage. Ramly Burger, our very own homegrown burger brand, is one such company.

Perservering in the face of intense competition from fast food juggernauts like McD's and KFC, Ramly has always held true to its USP of serving great tasting burgers at roadside stalls and has resisted opening up mega fast food chains like its larger competitors. According to this BT story, namesake founder Ramli Mokni started this concept when several jobless youths came to see him to ask for a chance to enter the burger market!

When asked what was the reason for his success, he replies rather humbly "Our burgers are not only good, but filling, and at half the price of burgers sold at fancy fast-food outlets. Maybe that's why we are getting even more customers these days."

Hopefully he'll continue to do what he does well and not decide overnight to start manufacturing cellphones like what a somewhat misguided automobile assembler is doing.

Well done Ramly!

Tags: burger, fast-food, Malaysia,SME

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