Monday, May 29, 2006

Malaysia taking the mickey out of Singapore with Disney Park?

So once again there is talk of a mega theme park in Johor (here and here) - and this time round it's none other than a Disney.

Coincidentally it will be sited at Bandar Nusajaya (whose initials conspiracy theorists won't fail to point out spell "B.N.") a township developed by UEM World (government-linked).

Once upon a time, before the great Asian Currency Crisis, I remember people talked about Universal Studios setting up shop in our southern state but today, they have decided to move to Singapore as part of our neighbour's new Casino initiatives.

So why has this piece of news been pitched as yet another show of one-upmanship between Singapore and Malaysia? I think that if this development pulls through, tourism to both countries would increase dramatically. Johor could tap off Singapore's superior air hub and Singapore in turn would benefit from the increased traffic.

You might want to start looking for investors for that souvenir manufacturing plant in Pontian you've been dreaming of all your life.

technorati: Singapore, Malaysia, Disney

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