Friday, May 19, 2006

Intellectual property abuse - now it's lamp posts

Remember my
previous post on the lack of respect for intellectual property in this country?

Well, now copyright issues have hit none other than
Putrajaya Holdings, the concession holder, landowner and master developer of the very important sounding 'Federal Government Administrative Capital of Putrajaya'.

And of all things, they are being sued over the design of lampposts! British company, DW Windsor Ltd says that its lamppost designs have been reproduced by Putrajaya Holdings and five other contractors.

Like what I said before - very few people in this country, including government linked organisations, have much respect for intellectual property. And for as long as they continue to disregard such rights, our hopes for a growing knowledge economy appear to be in jeopardy.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe that this is TRUE!. Must be the contractors..

    Anyway, it really depends on whether has that trademark or design being registered in Malaysia.
