Monday, May 08, 2006

Blogging setback - laptop stolen from car boot

I've been quiet these past few days because unfortunately my laptop was stolen from my car boot at Sunway Pyramid last Thursday. Yes, yes I know I shouldn't have left it in my boot etc but I honestly did not think it would happen to me.

The thief twisted my boot lock and somehow must have deactivated the car alarm system. Some of my friends tell me that these criminals have some sort of scanner which can detect batteries or even the CMOS clock on the laptop. I don't know how much of that is fact or urban legend, but I'm really sickened by the incident. I had some personal income tax files in the bag too which though not life-threatening, will be a pain to get replacements for. Sigh. I guess none of us is immune to crime of any sort.

Will be back after I sort this out. Take care


  1. Sorry to hear that.

    It's not an urban legend for a detector, it's fact.

    Take care.

  2. when i was studying in APIIT, a few of my frens got thair laptop stolen from their car boot. it amazes me how desperate these people are.
