Monday, November 05, 2007

Silly Season is back: the UMNO General Assembly

Once again hordes of UMNO faithful from throughout the country will descend upon the PWTC and throng its halls with belligerent verbage.

Though not gifted with prophecy, it has become depressingly predictable what will be covered at this annual get-together of the nation's most dominant political party.

Here's my take of what will and will NOT be achieved at this year's UMNO General Assembly.

What the UMNO general assembly WILL achieve

  • Their youth leaders will wave threatening weapons at imagined enemies
  • Create unproductive traffic jams within a 10km radius of the PWTC
  • Expound more racist drivel on why the Never Ending Policy (NEP) should remain firmly in place
  • Blame Jews/other races/American and then other foreigners for the woes UMNO voters are facing
  • Perpetuate the myth that the Bumiputra Commerical and Industrial Community (BCIC) is still non-existent and demand that more be done in the name of race to promote this community
  • Promote self-serving business policies thinly disguised as affirmative action for UMNO supporters
  • Continue telling the malays they are an indolent race and won’t go far if they don't elect UMNO back to another term in office.
  • Constantly harp on the fact that its members shouldn’t practice money politics but still let it happen.

What the UMNO general assembly WON’T achieve

  • Provide mature and insightful nation-building solutions to achieve equitable income distribution
  • Address the widening intra-racial gap between urban and rural malays
  • Accept the fact that Malaysia is a multi-racial nation
  • Create genuine sustainable programs that will help the community progress and not just benefit those on top of the pecking order.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis, but what are you personally going to do about it?
