Saturday, July 14, 2007

How many unemployed graduates does it take to update 450 websites? 4000 says the government

At least that's how many the UMNO led government thinks will benefit by awarding the contract to update the said number of government websites to politically well-connected Skali.

The idea is that Skali will then train 4000 unemployed or unemployable graduates to update the Federal government's 450 websites.

That means on average, 8 graduates will be tasked to look after one website. Quite what they will do and why so many of them are needed is not explained in detail. I suspect because they need retraining from whatever unemployable education they've already received over the 3 or 4 years they've spent languishing in university, half of them will be given on-the-job training while the other half figure out how to type html code. Doesn't seem like a bad job especially if you've been lepaking around the house.

The fact that Skali Group CEO Tengku Farith Rithauddeen projects growth of revenue by RM6 million to RM31 million this year means that this project is by no means small change.

Another impressive scheme by the government to build competency and skills in the digital age? Yeah right.

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