Monday, April 09, 2007

Top 10 Things your Boss hates about you

It's a universal fact that many of us hate our bosses but this UK researcher has unearthed that our bosses have the same feelings about us.

Here are the Top 10 in summary:

1. Lateness
2. Lack of initiative
3. Too much initiative
4. Bitching and whining
5. Disloyalty
6. Lack of passion. Or interest
7. Trying to be their best friend
8. Petty lying
9. Childishness
10. Wanting their job

I have my own Top 10 for What Malaysian Bosses Hate in their Employees

1. Too much initiative.
Do as you're told. Don't be too clever.

2. Wanting their job.
Better stick to your lowlife clerical job and have no ambition. I need to cari makan (make a living) too you know!

3. Being too honest.
Didn't I tell you not to declare the entire year's income! Hide them in some other expense item lah!

4. Bitching and whining about their bitching and whining.
Create your own gossip lah! Don't gossip on my behalf!

5. Lateness.
What Jam? You were supposed to start work 5 minutes ago!

6. Going home early.
You HAVE a family?

7. Punctuality.
The radio ad speaks for itself - "You still ON THE WAY ah?"

8. Being too demanding.
You need to apply for ANOTHER day of leave???

9. Not trying hard enough to be their friend.
Didn't you know it's lonely at the top?

10. Being too clever.
Similar to the 'too much initiative' part but only applies when you give intelligent answers that make them look bad.

Technorati: Bosses, Malaysia

1 comment:

  1. ok let's see. Perhaps let me give me some insight abt my idiot boss!!
    1. Lateness
    - If i were my boss, i also dun like my staff to come to work late lah. but if i come late also i will quietly shooop to my desk n pretend busy lah

    2. Lack of initiative
    - I had been very initiative at work but then again my boss doe snot appreciate it. so, if ur boss don't appreciate, stop doing it or look for other job where u can show off (professionally lah)

    3. Too much initiative
    i guessed that is best suits me. anyway, refer point no. (2) above

    4. Bitching and whining
    Hmmm... can u stop someone from bitching n whining? Ppl got mouth what. btw, did i mentioned that my own boss also bitch abt his own staffs to others??

    5. Disloyalty
    u mean betray my superior? although i dun like my boss, i hv not betray him (yet)

    6. Lack of passion. Or interest
    that does not exist in me. i love my work.

    7. Trying to be their best friend
    been done that to my boss but at the end kena backstabbed n bitched by him. so i draw a very clear line (professionally)

    8. Petty lying
    this had to be done if u done something wrong n cover ur ass (make sure it is by the law)

    9. Childishness
    never exist in me.

    10. Wanting their job
    i do feel that my boss is threatened by my existence now since I could accomplish more than he expected. a boss who fear his own staff by profession will not go far lah (IMHO)
