Monday, December 11, 2006

Why am I such a magnet for network marketers??

I wonder why I am such a magnet for network marketing recruiters.

An ex-colleague whom I bumped into at a shopping centre asked for my business card which was innocent enough. Lo and behold, a month later, an sms comes in and this exchange follows:

Ex coll: “are you and your wife free this week?”

Me: “er no – we have quite a busy schedule. Anything urgent?”

Ex coll: “well I just joined a company dealing with xxxxx Cleaner. I need to do a few demos to qualify as an agent.”

Me: “er no thanks. Not interested”

Ex coll: “don’t worry I’m not going to sell you anything. Just need to show you how this machine works and improves the air quality in your house”.

Me: “er no thanks. Seriously.”

Ex coll: “A no obligation and free demo – pls help me qualify as an agent”

Ex coll: “in fact company going to pay me RM100 just to demo. You don’t need to buy anything. Just take a look.Can you help me?”

Me: “hey really no thanks. Sorry”

End of sms trail.

All I can say is that if you are in network marketing and phenomenally successful, you have my admiration for being so freakingly persistent and thick skinned that you can do this on a daily schedule and not tire.

Technorati: network marketing, malaysia

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