Friday, November 24, 2006

Mengamuk - a uniquely Malaysian thing

Why should any one race claim exclusive rights to ‘mengamuk’ (run amok or go into a murderous frenzy)?

If UMNO is to be believed, the Malay race can always fall back to their ability to run amok should they feel threatened.

But if one race runs amok, then does it mean the others stand by helplessly while feeling the full assault of the frenzy?

If this blanket threat holds true, the entire nation would have self-destructed by now as ordinary bumiputera systematically explode at the slightest provocation.

I looked up the definition of the word and found an amusing entry in the Merriam Webster online dictionary:

Etymology: Malay amok:

a murderous frenzy that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially in Malaysian culture

You see, even international publishers agrees that this is a Malaysian thing and should not be monopolized by just one race.

Swallow your words UMNO, or I'll run amok.

Technorati: UMNO, Malaysia, amok

1 comment:

  1. he he so true..amok describe a person , any person regardless of race.

    Anyway historically the amok words came about based on western observation on the malay race during war.....which is they berzerk...

    hei...i just realise theres another words to replace amok! lol its bezerk! ha ha ha
