Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why Malaysia must change - the global demand for Talent

Yet another reason why I think Malaysia has little or no choice but to change its economic policies, New or otherwise.

Talent is the world's most sought after commodity and if our country continues to put up artificial roadblocks to our brainiest and most talented in the name of social restructuring, then we can wave goodbye to our competitiveness forever.

Read this quote from the Economist article:

"Even governments have got the talent bug. Rich countries have progressed from simply relaxing their immigration laws to actively luring highly qualified people. Most of them are using their universities as magnets for talent. India and China are trying to entice back some of their brightest people from abroad. Singapore's Ministry of Manpower even has an international talent division."

McKinsey estimates that the number of American jobs that emphasise “tacit interactions” (complex interactions requiring a high level of judgment over the past six years has grown two and a half times as fast as the number of transactional jobs and three times as fast as employment in general.

"These jobs now make up some 40% of the American labour market and account for 70% of the jobs created since 1998. And the same sort of thing is bound to happen in developing countries as they get richer."

The sooner our governement wakes up to these realities the better.

Technorati: talent, Malaysia.

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