Friday, October 13, 2006

"Malaysia’s Ethnic Reality Under Scrutiny"

Read all about it here.

I love the concluding remarks. Couldn't have expressed it better!

"Many people, Malay, Chinese or Indians, who make up the third of Malaysia’s main ethnic groups, complain among themselves that the NEP resulted in a gilded superclass of bumi corporate figures who do nothing but collect their salaries and stock options and let others do the work. The rank-and-file bumis, they say, remain at the lower end of the economic spectrum, living in rural communities or ramshackle parts of the cities.
But that is a subject no official seems willing to discuss. "

The Asian Sentinel, from which this quote came from, is an independent online news platform helmed by respectable former journalists and editors. Kudos to them for wanting to keep news independent and unbiased.

Technorati: Malaysia, race, NEP

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