Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rafidah to foreign investors: Can't accept the 30% bumi stake? Go elsewhere

Malaysia's so-called Iron Lady, International Trade & Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz has advised foreign investors that if they can't accept the 30% bumiputra equity requirement, they "can go elsewhere".

Strong words indeed which may have been spurred by news that under the Second Industrial Master Plan, Malaysia had attracted total investments of RM260 billion in manufacturing activities, exceeding its target of RM250 billion.

Her new-found assertiveness could also be derived from the fact that foreign direct investment into ASEAN rose to US$38 billion - the highest level in a decade.

She would do well to remember that China, India & Indochina are all waiting in the wings, eager to become the "elsewhere"foreigners can take their money to.

Technorati: Malaysia, ASEAN.

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