Monday, July 17, 2006

Singapore ahead of HK, Malaysia in Corporate Social Responsibility

And so says the CPA Australia after interviews with 351 qualified accountants and associates in the region.

In the survey, 45% of Singapore businesses are socially responsible followed by 37% of Malaysian firms and 27% of Hong Kong firms.

Sadly, as is usually the case for SME's, the report found that "only 24 percent of [Singapore] small and medium enterprises are aware of their corporate social responsibility." This confirms the usual trend that SMEs tend to follow the lead of larger organisations given their much smaller pool of resources.

Interestingly these findings come about a week after our government announced a new Silver Book standard for GLC's to adhere to in areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Tenaga Nasional or TNB pioneered the study on CSR as "it appears to be on the right track to achieving its CSR policy."

Well at least it has a page dedicated to philanthropy on its website.

Technorati tag: Corporate Social Responsibility, Malaysia, Singapore

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