Saturday, April 01, 2006

9th Malaysia Plan - Private enterprises encouraged to restructure employment pattern to reflect racial composition

This ominous looking paragraph appears in the 9th Malaysia plan:

During the Plan period, more intensified efforts will be undertaken to ensure that the employment pattern at all levels of occupation and in all sectors of the economy reflects the ethnic composition of the population. The private sector is expected to be involved in accelerating the growth of Bumiputera employment and restructuring their employment pattern. Public and private sector cooperation for the advancement of Bumpitera employment will be initiated and implemented. The progress in employment restructuring to reflect the racial composition of the population will be closely monitored at various levels although targets will not be micro-managed and will primarily be viewed on an overall basis.

You can read it in context here.

Basically, if you are a non-bumi SME business owner and it is a family-owned operation, the Government is saying you might have to start retrenching some of your siblings and hire some graduates from MARA to replace them so that it 'reflects the ethnic composition of the population'.

Oh come on, give us ALL a break PLEASE.

Technorati tags: race politics,malaysia,bumiputra,SME

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