Monday, March 20, 2006

Hair loss blamed for rising divorce rate in HK

Hair loss caused by stress has apparently been a main reason for the rising numbers of divorces in Hong Kong, which at 41% is the third highest rate in the world after the US & South Korea! (Unsurprisingly, Hong Kong ranks fifth in the Grant Thornton International Business Owners Survey on Increased Stress Levels.)

In this story, the loss of the poor workaholic guy's hair triggered off a downward spiral that eventually led to his divorce. Apparently the fact that he was losing his hair and did not seem to care was a sign that he no longer cared enough for his wife.

Rather mournfully he says : "Traditionally, men in Hong Kong have never been too bothered about their look, especially after they get married. That attitude might have been okay in the 1970s but believe me, it's a recipe for disaster today."

If we aren't careful, we Malaysian men might find ourselves in the same hot soup as our increasingly career-minded women get more assertive about how we should look!

Technorati: business, stress, divorce, Hong Kong, Malaysia

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