Monday, March 13, 2006

AMCHAM's YEP - Turning Form 4 Students into Entrepreneurs

The American Chamber of Commerce has this annual program (which they have been running since 1989) called the Young Entrepreneurs Program (YEP) where 25 of the best Form 4 students called 'Achievers' are selected from participating schools nationwide to form mini student companies and 'run' & 'list' a business.

The whole program lasts 9 months at the end of which the companies undergo stringent evaluation. Sounds like PUNB should link up with these folks (if they aren't already) for their Prosper Siswazah program to make it more complete. It certainly beats the heck out of rote-learning and will better prepare the future generation for the business world.

Not bad national service from a country which one narrow-minded Malaysian blogger terms as the Great Satan. (No, I won't honour his blinkered blog by linking to it.)

Technorati tags: malaysia, entrepreneurs, business


  1. Interesting..its similar to a business skills program I joined here in Melbourne last year (

    Competition is stiff, teams (2 tiers - undergraduates and high school students) compete within the state and state winners go on to nationals. Don't know if Msian undergrads get to go through such programs? I hope they do..cos my experiences were invaluable.

  2. I think some of the private unis do have programs like this on their campus level. This is one of the few nationwide secondary level business skills program that I've seen in this country. that's good to hear that you benefitted from the oz one!
