Tuesday, February 07, 2006

So where have all the Malaysians gone?

As a follow up to my earlier entry, I thought it would be interesting to find out just where our fellow Malaysians have emigrated to.

Below, are some figures I managed to get from the Net. All data are from the respective country’s Population Census – so they should be pretty accurate.

Only Australia provides the breakdown into the various ethnic groups.

Country Number of Malaysian-born residents (year of census)

New Zealand 11461 (2001)

UK 49207 (2001)

US 49460 (2000)

Singapore 306998 (2000)

Australia 78850 (2001)
Chinese 51910
Malays 5690
Indians 3440
Others 17810

Total 495976

That’s about half a million in these selected countries which I assume are the more popular destinations for our émigrés. Singapore has the most number of Malaysians resident there from this list.

Does anybody else have any other data available for other countries? I have read on some other sites claims of up to 3 million who have migrated - can anyone tell me where the other 2.5 million are?

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