Monday, January 23, 2006

This Moon is Rising. A story of a successful Malaysian entrepreneur

I feel that I have been focusing on so many negative aspects of the Malaysian economy, it’s beginning to make us look like such basket cases.

So, for a change, I thought it would be nice to share an inspiring story about a Malaysian entrepreneur who is making a big impression on his own, without any of the political patronage that other companies seem to need to be ‘successful’.

Moon FX or MFX, is a well known local production house that has won many awards for its excellent, cutting-edge post-production work. Its most recent works includes animation work for the Proton Savvy ads and the Hotlink birds as well as a whole host of creative work outside the country.

Its co-founder, Chan Moon Kien (pictured above), is a 20-year advertising industry veteran who has collaborated with the likes of special effects wizards Industrial Light & Magic. Within 4 years of being set up, MFX has bagged 51 international awards for its creative work. He was also honoured with the Ernst & Young Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year Award last year.

In an interview with the Edge, Chan says that he was unable to make much headway in the early days with local companies because of his insistence on initial payment for his consultation. However, being shunned in the local arena turned out to be a mixed blessing because it forced him to look overseas. Today, he has secured clients from 22 countries and many of them are big, blue-chip multinationals.

Now he probably feels vindicated that MFX’s work is recognized as one of the best in the region and certainly no laggard globally. He is also responsible for the creation of the Malaysian Video Awards (now into its 11th year) to showcase the works of aspiring Malaysian film makers. It is satisfying to note that all of this was achieved without a single brick of the ill-fated RM3 billion E-village park being laid.

Three cheers for genuine Malaysian entrepreneurship and creativity!

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