Wednesday, December 28, 2005

We want to help you.. but then again maybe not

The government recently announced a package of RM3.8 billion ringgit for Malaysian SME's in 2006 "aimed at strengthening and enabling infrastructure to support SME development, building capacity and capability of SMEs as well as enhancing further the sector’s access to financing." (The Star, Dec 17, 2005).

A week later, the NST carries a story headlined "Malaysia ranked low on ease of doing business" citing a World Bank report that it takes 25 steps and a staggering average period of 225 days to set up a business in this country!

The NST then goes on to comment "It’s easier in the strife-torn West Bank and Gaza Strip, where an applicant goes through only 18 procedures and the waiting period is 144 days."

Go figure - this is another classic case of the government offering a cure before diagnosing the illness. We should be making our infrastructure more business-friendly before deciding to throw some more money at it (apparently especially in the issuing of business licenses).

The NST tries to mollify this state of affairs by adding this comment: "Malaysia also came out tops [in the area of 'ease of doing business'] among Muslim countries. Mauritius was second at 23rd place, followed by Maldives in 32nd place and Saudi Arabia at 38th".

Let's sound the trumpets - we're better than tiny Maldives! Sounds like the UM ranking fiasco all over again.

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